Regions : Italy

Italy : Regioni d'Italia / Regioni of Italy (1:0/20)


No changes within 1 year.
Name Notes My hitentries Hit ratio Partner's hitentries Different partners
Sicilia 15 - - - -
Total 15

Italy : Province d'Italia / Provinces of Italy (3:0/108)


No changes within 1 year.
Name Notes My hitentries Hit ratio Partner's hitentries Different partners
Catania 5 - - - -
Messina 9 - - - -
Ragusa 1 - - - -
Total 15

Italy : Comuni della Sicilia (4:0/391)


No changes within 1 year.
Name Notes My hitentries Hit ratio Partner's hitentries Different partners
Città Metropolitana di Catania
Mascali 4 - - - -
Zafferana Etnea 1 - - - -
Città Metropolitana di Messina
Taormina 9 - - - -
Provincia di Ragusa
Pozzallo 1 - - - -
Total 15

Italy : Regioni agli estremi d'Italia / List of Regioni at the fins of Italy (1:0/4)


No changes within 1 year.
Name Notes My hitentries Hit ratio Partner's hitentries Different partners
Regione più a Sud d'Italia / Italian most Southern Regione
Sicilia 15 - - - -
Total 15

Italy : Isole d'Italia / Islands of Italy (1:0/62)


No changes within 1 year.
Name Notes My hitentries Hit ratio Partner's hitentries Different partners
Isole della Sicilia
Isola di Sicilia 15 - - - -
Total 15

Italy : Codici postali d'Italia / Postal codes of Italy (3:0/93)


No changes within 1 year.
Name Notes My hitentries Hit ratio Partner's hitentries Different partners
95xxx 5 - - - -
97xxx 1 - - - -
98xxx 9 - - - -
Total 15

Generated 2024-09-01 14:00:44 (by nigmm 0.071)